The Wabi Sabi Lounge

The Wabi Sabi Lounge is an installation featuring new work that’s in the Color in Distress tradition combined with furniture made from antique table parts and 80 year-old refrigerator doors that I put holes in with a shotgun.

The short movie above gives you a view of the installation, and on this page are shots of the individual pieces. Almost all this work was made in KC in 2022, and utilizes flotsam I’ve found here.

The idea is for this installation to be both a functioning social space as well as a grouping of my work; to create an environment where you could sit down with these artworks and feel the patina of time; appreciate the subtle beauty in the tired wood and worn metal.

The colored lights offer the relaxing hues of mid-century beer signs in our memory.

Take a moment to settle into the old, comfy chairs.  Find yourself somewhere between The Ship and Max’s Kansas City.