The Legend of Lazy Susan
All these pieces are mounted on wooden “lazy susans” so that they can turn, and the viewer is encouraged to move them. There’s something about being able to spin a sculpture and see it from every angle that fascinated me. I made over 50 of these, and continue to make more.
This series was heavily influenced by my move to Reno, Nevada in 2012. Roaming the high desert has energized me with subversive glee.
“The Legend of Lazy Susan” is the title of one piece in particular (the baby wielding the large pistol) but I think that the phrase also aptly describes all these brightly colored dreamscapes, charged with pretty peril.
I refer to the earth-toned pieces as “Boom Town.” They luxuriate in their oxidized desert palette and refer to all that’s left of the 500 Nevada towns that have come and gone. Beautiful remnants of the past that only hint of what went wrong.