
These “Dreamscapes” compositions came together, quite literally, in dreams.

To the right is a slideshow featuring detail shots of this series. Full shots of the assemblages with titles and sizes are displayed below (click to enlarge the image).

The pieces start off like all my work: intuitively & formally. I don’t start with a design in mind, but rather I riff off the found objects I collect. Juxtapositions start based on size, color, and the intention or gaze of the toy or figure. Sometimes I’m at a loss on how to complete a sculpture.

I don’t dream about fish, trains, anthropomorphic pigs or any of these creatures, but my dreams have been giving me practical advice regarding these unusual problems.

We all have ‘Eureka’ moments during long drives or in the shower while the analytic minds rests. But this phenomenon is different.

What’s new is that very specific problems are solved – in concrete form – as if a mentor is looking over my shoulder “try that combo . . . use this material as a background . . . change the color . . .

This advice got very specific after I started meditating regularly. David Lynch thinks that’s no accident: “I think ideas are out there and you catch them like how you catch fish. The more consciousness you have, the deeper you can catch those ideas.

At any rate I appreciate the help from the deep end of the pool, and enjoy the bizarre, surreal flavor it gives these pieces.