My ArtCars & Exhibitions have been featured in many articles.
The Wall Street Journal profiled me in 1989 for ArtGolf (miniature golf course made by artists) and that spawned a wave of copy-cat shows. The WSJ wrote about me again in 2014 with a focus on my ArtCars.
Here is a slide show to scroll through including me on the cover of the SF Weekly, plus articles in the LA Times and the NY Times. Also two nice reviews of solo gallery shows: one in Artillery Magazine and a new one from Double Scoop: Arts in Nevada.
- Kansas City NPR interview re: “report to Homeroom” exhibition about school shootings 2023
- Kansas City NPR article re: my ArtCars 2023
- Artillery Magazine listing of Bright Happy Pretty Shiny Things at La Matadora Gallery in Joshua Tree
- Double Scoop Review of “Color Story” Series 2020
- Wall Street Journal Profile 2014
- SF Weekly Cover Story 2003
- Maker Faire Spotlight 2016
Coverage of the 2020 La Matadora Exhibition in Joshua Tree: